
Role of exogenous and endogenous sex hormones on tenofovir and emtricitabine disposition in female genital tract


This study aims to determine the role of menopause and exogenous hormone use in regulating antiretroviral disposition in the female genital tract.

I'm interested

18 years and over
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
Inclusion Criteria:

• at least 18 years old
• female, or transgender female with a cervix
• HIV- positive
• on a stable antiretroviral regimen containing tenofovir or emtricitabine for at least 2 weeks before starting the study
Exclusion Criteria:

• currently pregnant, or previous pregnancy in the past 3 months, or breast feeding
• vaginal infection within 2 weeks before starting the study
• abnormal bleeding per vagina, bleeding per vagina during or following vaginal intercourse, or gynecologic surgery within 90 days prior starting the study
• use of oral and/or vaginal preparations of antibiotic or antifungal medications within 30 days prior to starting the study

Women's Health

HIV/AIDS, Inflammation Vagina, Menopause

Sandy Bowers -
Melanie Nicol
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