
Determining the Effectiveness of early Intensive Versus Escalation approaches for the treatment of Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (DELIVER-MS)


The DELIVER-MS study seeks to answer the important question: Does early treatment with highly effective DMT improve the prognosis for people with MS? This is an area of significant controversy and no data currently exist to guide treatment choices for patients and clinicians. The study results will help guide overall treatment philosophy and will be applicable not only to a wide range of existing therapies but also to new therapies, meeting a significant unmet need in patient decision making and aiding the decision for medication approval by third parties.

I'm interested

18 years and over
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
Inclusion Criteria:

• 18 to 60 years
• diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) less than 5 years ago and evidence of active disease
• have not received treatment for MS
• able to walk
Exclusion Criteria:

• unable to take the study medications or have taken them in the past (study staff will review)
• unable to have a MRI due to metal or metal implants, allergy to contrast used for MRI, claustrophobia, pain, spasticity, or excessive movement due to tremor

Rare Diseases, Brain & Nervous System

Clinics and Surgery Center (CSC), Multiple Sclerosis

Beth Zander -
William Schmalstieg
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