
Methodology and Development of Tobacco Related Biomarkers Methodology and Development of Tobacco Related Biomarkers, part of 'Metabolism of Carcinogenic Tobacco-Specific Nitrosamines'


The purpose of this study is to better understand how tobacco and nicotine products affect our bodies. In this observational study smokers, vapers, smokeless tobacco users, nicotine replacement product users, non-users, and ex-users will be asked to provide biological samples. We will look for biological “markers” (biomarkers), or chemical changes in the body, that occur due to tobacco or nicotine exposure. Collected samples will be used for the development of biomarkers of toxicant exposure and for assessing exposure between the different groups. The intent is to eventually use these biomarkers to improve detection, prevention, and treatment strategies for tobacco-related diseases. This study will allow us to test currently used biomarkers, and to establish a biorepository (sample bank) to identify and develop new biomarkers associated with tobacco exposure and cessation. The type of samples and amount collected will depend on the specific biomarker(s) being developed or tested. Potential samples include saliva, cheek (buccal) & oral cells, blood, urine, hair, and/or nail clippings.

I'm interested

18 years and over
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
Inclusion Criteria:

• 21 years or older
• Daily user of tobacco or nicotine products
Exclusion Criteria:

• Unstable health condition
• Pregnant or nursing

Cancer, Community Health, Prevention & Wellness

nicotine, nicotine replacement, smokeless tobacco, smoker, smoking, tobacco, vaper, vaping

Laura Garcia Pimentel -
Stephen Hecht, PhD
