
Neural mechanisms of early visual dysfunction in psychosis


This study was reviewed as a JIT under STUDY00006280. This submission will complete the initial IRB review process. We propose to study visual perception in PwP as a window into deviant neural processing. This allows us to use well-developed paradigms from animal models, and to translate directly from basic neuroscience to a clinical population.

I'm interested

18 years and over
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
Inclusion Criteria:

• 18-60 years old
• normal or corrected-to-normal vision
• current diagnosis of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder
Exclusion Criteria:

• claustrophobia
• current substance dependence (other than nicotine)
• any vision problem (e.g. strabismus/crossed eyes, lazy eye, color blindness)
• current or past diagnosis of bipolar I disorder

Brain & Nervous System, Vision & Eyes

EEG, MRI, neuroscience, psychosis, vision

Hannah Moser -
Michael-Paul Schallmo
